Saturday, August 31, 2019

Education in Pakistan Essay

Education in Pakistan is overseen by the government’s Ministry of Education and the provincial governments, whereas the federal government mostly assists in curriculum development, accreditation and in the financing of research. The article 25-A of Constitution of Pakistan obligates the state to provide free and compulsory quality education to children of the age group 5 to 16 years. â€Å"The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by law†. [3] The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into five levels: primary (grades one through five); middle (grades six through eight); high(grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School Certificate or SSC); intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to a Higher Secondary (School) Certificate or HSC); and university programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees. [4] The literacy rate ranges from 87% in Islamabad to 20% in the Kohlu District. [5] Between 2000—2004, Pakistanis in the age group 55–64 had a literacy rate of almost 30%, those aged between 45–54 had a literacy rate of nearly 40%, those between 25–34 had a literacy rate of 50%, and those aged 15–24 had a literacy rate of 60%. [6] Literacy rates vary regionally, particularly by sex. In tribal areas female literacy is 7. 5%. [7]Moreover, English is fast spreading in Pakistan, with 18 million Pakistanis[8] (11% of the population)[8] having a command over the English language, which makes it the 9th Largest English Speaking Nation[9] in the world and the 3rd largest in Asia. [8] On top of that, Pakistan produces about 445,000 university graduates and 10,000 computer science graduates per year. [10] Despite these statistics, Pakistan still has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world. [11] Education Expenditure as Percentage of GDP Public expenditure on education lies on the fringes of 2 percent of GDP. However, the government recently approved the new national education policy, which stipulates that education expenditure will be increased to 7% of GDP,[22] an idea that was first suggested by the Punjab government. [23] Author of an article, which reviews the history of education spending in Pakistan since 1972, argues that this policy target raises a fundamental question: What extraordinary things are going to happen that would enable Pakistan to achieve within six years what it has been unable to lay a hand on in the past six decades? The policy document is blank on this question and does not discuss the assumptions that form the basis of this target. Calculations of the author show that during the past 37 years, the highest public expenditure on education was 2. 80 percent of GDP in 1987-88. Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP was actually reduced in 16 years and maintained in 5 years between 1972–73 and 2008-09. Thus, out of total 37 years since 1972, public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP either decreased or remained stagnant for 21 years. The author argues if linear trend were maintained since 1972, Pakistan could have touched 4 percent of GDP well before 2015. However, it is unlikely to happen because the levels of spending have had remained significantly unpredictable and unsteady in the past. Given this disappointing trajectory, increasing public expenditure on education to 7 percent of GDP would be nothing less than a miracle but it is not going to be of godly nature. Instead, it is going to be the one of political nature because it has to be â€Å"invented† by those who are at the helm of affairs. The author suggests that little success can be made unless Pakistan adopts an â€Å"unconventional† approach to education. That is to say, education sector should be treated as a special sector by immunizing budgetary allocations for it from fiscal stresses and political and economic instabilities. Allocations for education should not be affected by squeezed fiscal space or surge in military expenditure or debts. At the same time, there is a need to debate others options about how Pakistan can â€Å"invent† the miracle of raising education expenditure to 7 percent of GDP by 2015. [24]

Friday, August 30, 2019

International Marketing Strategy Essay

For most manufacturers, success or failure is determined by how effectively and efficiently their products are sold through their marketing channel members (e. g. , agents, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers). Given this situation, considerable marketing channel research has focused on organizational responsibility for managing channel how interrelationships among a firm and its channel members can be managed better (Achrol and Stern 1988; Anderson et al 1997). Globalization of markets is a phenomenon that has received much attention and been extensively debated both at general societal/institutional/cultural levels and at market and business levels. In any globalization process, distribution of goods and services between and within local industrial and consumer markets is of great importance. A marketing channel is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for consumption. Globalization of markets and reorganization of distribution are mutually dependent processes that involve changes in market structures. Mattsson & Wallenberg, 2003) As national markets expand and as new opportunities arise for satisfying consumer demand, greater specialization in distribution is evident both in the level of distribution and in goods and services handled (Mallen, 1996). Moreover, as the global marketplace expands, many multinational firms have been influenced by mounting pressures to develop a worldwide communication, distribution and information network that facilitates the free flow of information and goods across national boundaries (Min & Eom, 1994). Distribution channels excellence has become a powerful source of competitive differentiation. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, companies began to view distribution channels as more than simply a source of cost savings and recognize it as a source of enhancing product or serve offerings as part of the broader supply chain process to create competitive advantage. (Mentzer et al, 2004). International distribution channels In international marketing the manufacturer doesn’t sell products directly, it goes through several parties-before reaching the consumer. It involves various channels and variety of intermediaries. In order to sustain the growth of the international marketplace and the integration of the world’s economic activities it is vital to conduct efficient and cost-effective distribution according to Ross (1996). The challenge to global distribution management is to structure a supply chain that is responsive and flexible enough to cope with differences in customers’ requirements and yet enable the benefits of focused manufacturing to be achieved. According to Black et al (2002) the past decade has seen some of the most rapid and substantive changes in channels of distribution for goods and services in developed economies. What companies must remember is that the choice of distribution channel is quite complicated in the home market of a company but even more complicated when going international and starting to export. It is vital for companies who are about to establish abroad that they realize that the choice of distribution channel is crucial for future success and growth. There are many alternative distribution channels to choose from and the conditions may vary from different companies and markets. Furthermore, the choice of distribution channel is often complex and expensive if changing it subsequently. Therefore, it is central that the decision is given the attention and acknowledgement, which is called for due to the fact that it has such a long-term outcome of the export investment’s success. (Anderson et al, 1997). Distribution builds stable competitive advantages, since marketing channels have a long-run character and to build them it is necessary to have a consistent structure; and due also to the fact that they are focused on people and relationships. With channels of distribution changing rapidly studies of consumers will need to focus not just on understanding product choice but also on understanding the reasons for channel choice. Distribution channel intensity Another channel strategy according to Jobber (2001) is the intensity of the distribution channel. According to Kotler (2000) and Fein and Anderson (1997) companies have to decide on the number of intermediaries to use at each channel level. Three approaches are available: intensive distribution, selective distribution and exclusive distribution. Mallen (1996) states that intensive distribution is at one end of the scale where the policy is to distribute to as many outlets as possible, and that exclusive distribution is at the other end of the scale, where the policy is to distribute only to one intermediary at a given level in a given geographic area. The broad middle ground is normally referred to as selective distribution. Intensive distribution consists of the manufacturer placing the goods or services in as many outlets as possible. This approach is generally used for everyday goods such as milk, bread, tobacco products and soap, products for which the consumer requires a great deal of location convenience. Manufacturers are constantly tempted to move from exclusive or selective distribution to more intensive distribution to increase coverage and sales. Intensive distribution may help in the short term but often hurts long-term performance. (Kotler, 2000) According to Mallen (1996) intensive distribution tends to maximize sales for the simple reason that more outlets increase the possibilities of consumer contact. Yet, this approach means a more elaborate marketing operation at the manufacturer level. Selective distribution involves the use of more than a few but less than all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a particular product. It is used by established companies and by new companies seeking distributors. The company does not have to dissipate its efforts over too many outlets; it enables the producer to gain adequate market coverage with more control and less cost than intensive distribution. Kotler, 2000) Selective distribution is generally applied on rarely bought goods such as DVDs, computers and cameras according to Fein and Anderson (1997). Exclusive distribution means severely limiting the number of intermediaries. It is used when the producer wants to maintain control over the service level and service outputs offered by the resellers. (Kotler, 2000) While minimizing costs, exclusive distribution tends to maximize channel goodwill and channel control. It is easier for the manufacturer to have completely satisfactory relationships with a few intermediaries than with many in a given area according to Mallen (1996). Often it involves exclusive dealing arrangements, in which the resellers agree not to carry competing brands. By granting exclusive distribution, the producer hopes to obtain more dedicated and knowledgeable selling. (Kotler, 2000) Exclusive distribution is often used on capital goods such as cars according. Importance of distribution Distribution is a key component of any international marketing strategy. To successfully deliver products and services to customers spread across different geographies, you’ll have to develop an international marketing strategy with special emphasis on supply chain, which includes distribution. If your business has entered various markets, it may not be possible for you to single-handedly manage the overseas operations. You’ll have to develop an effective distribution channel. This channel will consist of channel intermediaries, who will make sure that the product reaches the end user. Distribution is critical to your overseas operations because: 1. It has a direct effect on sales. If you don’t have a good distribution network, your products may stack up in a warehouse and won’t reach your target customers. 2. It affects your profits as well. As distribution costs can make up to 50 percent of the final selling price of some products, an efficient distribution network can increase your profit margins. 3. It has an influence on customer satisfaction. As the long-term success of your overseas operations depends on satisfying your customers, choose your dealers and retailers carefully as they will be responsible, to a large extent, what your customers think about your product and if they will recommend your product to others. 1. 4 Types of distribution channels To gain competitive advantage in the market, you need to identify the right distribution channel that is familiar with your target consumer and segment. Also make sure that the distribution channel that you choose shares similar policies and strategies as your company and has a proven track record in the market. You can choose from among several channels of distribution. Your chosen distribution channel will directly affect all your other marketing decisions. Here are some options: Direct marketing: In this method, the company interacts with its customers directly without any intermediaries. Mail orders, the Internet and phone calls are some of the ways your potential customers can learn about your products and make purchases. Agents: Agents operate on a commission basis. You’ll have to pay these agents on the volume of sales they generate. Agents do not accept any legal ownership of the product. This kind of channel is usually expensive, as an agent is expensive to train and the physical distance makes his progress difficult to track. Distributors: Distributors buy the goods directly from you and will then sell it to retailers. Since they take title to the goods, they are free to determine the prices of the goods themselves and develop their own marketing strategies. They usually have storage facilities. Retailers: Retailers sell to the end customers and are, therefore, able to develop a better bond with them. The retailer takes on the responsibility of promoting the products and often decides the price of the product. Manufacturing-owned intermediaries: This is a capital-intensive option, as your business will directly set up sales and service units in the markets that it has a presence. 2. 0 Channel Management Strategies Channel Management is yet another sales and marketing phrase that is thrown around like everyone knows what it means. But so few companies really comprehend channel management in a way that really helps them. Sales channels being the conduits by which we distribute our products to the end-user come in many shapes from direct, to the web, to the traditional retail environment. Channel Management Strategies (CMS) provides the latest research, benchmarking data, analytic models, and thought leadership necessary to align and enhance your existing channel management initiatives. Channel Management Strategies delivers objective data and intelligence to compare and contrast your efforts with peer organizations, and provides thought-provoking research on industry trends, best-practice models and tactics, budget and resource allocation and measurement strategies. Channel management is a process by which a company creates formalized programs for selling and servicing customers within a specific channel. it can impact businesses in a positive way. First segment channels by like characteristics (their needs, buying patterns, success factors, etc. and then customize a channel management program that includes: 1. Goals: Define the specific goals you have for each channel segment. Consider your goals for the channel as a whole as well as individual account. And, remember to consider goals for both acquisition and retention. 2. Policies: Construct well defined polices for administering the accounts within this channel. Be sure to keep the unique characteristics of each segment in mind when defining policies for account set up, order management, product fulfillment, etc. 3.  Products: Identify which products in your offering are most suited for each segment and create appropriate messaging. Also, determine where to upsell opportunities lie. 4. Sales/Marketing Programs: Design support programs for your channel that meet their needs, not what your idea of their needs are. To do this, you should start by asking your customers within this segment, â€Å"how can we best support you in the selling and marketing of our products? † That being said, the standard considerations are product tra ining, co-op advertising, seasonal promotions, and merchandising. Again, this is not a one-size fit all, so be diligent about addressing this segment’s specific needs in these areas. Defining a channel management strategy for each segment allows the organization to be more effective within each segment, while gaining efficiency at the same time. Still, maintaining brand consistency across all channel segments is critical to your long-term success. So it has to find a good balance between customization and brand consistency for a successful channel management.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Philippine Land Law Expert Chatbot Essay

The researchers tend to work on an expert system with integration of Philippine land laws. They chose to focus on land laws since one of the major problems of the Filipinos who seek law experts’ advice are due to land. The researchers deliberates the possible ways on how can they share knowledge and guidance that works like a real lawyer advising a client but have not taking an account to replace to seek a real land law experts guidance. Also, putting an expertise into a machine happens in many ways. So, the researchers find a way on constructing an expert system on Philippine land law using different techniques. In giving solution to the stated problem of the researchers, this study implements techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) with sub-processes of Tokenizing, Part-of-Speech Tagging, and Parsing for input abstraction and validation, as well as Natural Language Generation (NLG) for the construction of answer/s. The developed system entitled, â€Å"PHILEX: Philipine Land Law Expert Chatbot† focused on providing answers to the user’s questions. Such users who are in need of information, assistance and knowledge and those who seek counselling in regards to any Philippine land law or land rights can benefit from the said expert system but must always know that the researchers do not intend to substitute the land law professionals. Upon various tests that the researchers conducted aiming to know the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of the system, researchers came up with such conclusions. A technique, Precision and Recall, was used to test the system’s capability of answering the user’s questions relying from correct result (true positive or tp), missing result (false negative of fn), unexpected result (false positive of fp), and correct abscence of result (true negative or tn). This study also intends to identify the evaluation of the experts when it comes to sy stem’s user-friendliness, speed of response, and completeness. Five (5) land law experts chose twenty (20) test questions used to assess the system’s competency. Conclusion made by the experts based on the results is PHILEX, being the system for giving answers to user’s questions pertaining to Philipine land laws, is acceptable as a reliable source of knowledge and guidance without intending to replace the professional practitioners. The system got an overall percentage in terms of accuracy, a 75%, specificity with the percentage rate of 55% and sensitivity with 80.8%. Summing up the scores in terms of user-friendliness, speed of response, and completeness resulted to an overall weighted mean of 4.36, 4.32, and 4.16 respectively, interprets that the system as an acceptable tool for land law consulations. In the future, the authors would like to extend their work and knowledge by making the system possible to access by everyone through web or what we called â€Å"web-base application†.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Write a two page summary about psychologist Erik Erikson Essay

Write a two page summary about psychologist Erik Erikson - Essay Example He later came up with his view regarding the blossoming of the personality of an individual. Erik Erikson held the view that man had to pass through numerous stages, to attain full growth and development. According to his view, about eight different stages helped man attain his full growth. This was an improvement and a diversified opinion, as compared to that of Sigmund Freud's. Erikson is often described by the adjective, Neo-Freudian, since his concept was an extension of that of his mentor and yet, had its distinct quality. His theory of personality is a generic description of human life and the different stages it evolves through. Here is a list of the stages of man's life, as illustrated below 4. Competence - Industry vs. Inferiority - Around age 6. Child comparing self worth to others (such as in a classroom environment). Child can recognize major disparities in personal abilities relative to other children. 5. Fidelity - Identity vs. Role Confusion - Teenager. Questioning of self. Who am I, how do I fit in Can be observed through cliques one sees at a high school, eg - nerds, preps, emos all dressing the same. 6.

Conceptual Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Conceptual Art - Essay Example Conceptual art is perhaps one of the artistic movements surrounded by many debates and controversies since it seems to provoke powerful emotions and reactions in audiences. That is, although a good number of audiences agree that conceptual art is not only refreshing but also relevant to modern times, others find it rather repugnant and shocking kind of art. In fact, others feel that conceptual art is not art at all. Thus, conceptual art could be described as something loved and hated in equal measure. That conceptual art is controversial and divisive is not accidental as it seeks to challenge and probe audiences to take a keen and analytical look at art in general and prompts them to question hitherto unchallenged assumptions about what qualifies as art and the roles of art and artists. Therefore, there are a number of hurdles that philosophers of conceptual art have to encounter and contend with in their work. First, conceptual art philosopher need to isolate the art/object under ex amination or categorization. This activity becomes quite challenging given that the definition and boundary of conceptual and other types of art is not quite clear. Generally, conceptual art refers to the artistic movement that appeared in the period between 1966 and 1972, practiced and spread by artists such as Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Joseph Beuys and Mel Ramsden. A critical feature of this period’s art is its absorption and application of the lessons learnt from earlier 20th century art movements such as the Fluxus group., Abstract Expressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and Suprematism. The other unique feature of conceptual art is that it attempts to overcome the notion that art is only about aesthetic value, emphasizing that art only valued for its beauty but not to make people think is redundant (Corris 78). Unlike conceptual art, instead of promoting reflection and conception, earlier artistic movements only used art to promote consumerism on the basis of the beauty of art and the skills of the artists. Conceptual artists thus denounce these specific and restricted views of art, Instead, they promote a revisionary understanding of works of art, artists, and artistic experiences. From a philosophical viewpoint, it would be rather narrow to restrict the definition of conceptual art to the 1960s and the 1970s. Thus, any inquiry into conceptual art should not only cover artworks created in this mentioned period since the spirit and intentions with which conceptual art was produced in the 1960s and 1970s continues even in current times

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Financial Reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Reporting - Assignment Example The strengths can also be analyzed by how well it is achieving its objectives or targets. However such comparisons have their drawbacks. Comparing Essex with other fire services is not a good indicator given the different circumstances and environments both fire services are operating. Operators received significant savings as projections. The fighters pension scheme also had significant results since the difference between the actual and estimate is +7,000,000.Generally the net operating expenditure did not suppress the estimates. We could also indicate the fact that the trading activities had their objectives clearly spelt. One of the objectives was to achieve an operating surplus to fund appropriations direct to service budgets to re-invest in new and, replacement equipment for the treading account or to provide an additional source of income to the service where possible. One of the major weaknesses of the budgetary process in Essex fire service is that reviewing programmes after estimates have been indicated in the budget means that the budget might not reflect the actual management plans. It is also at concern that the intended management structure is not consistent with the estimates set out in according to best value accounting code of practice. The estimates have been apportioned to enable the set up. Total operating income of 205 against projections of 965 is a case of considerable concern. ... One of the objectives was to achieve an operating surplus to fund appropriations direct to service budgets to re-invest in new and, replacement equipment for the treading account or to provide an additional source of income to the service where possible. Weaknesses One of the major weaknesses of the budgetary process in Essex fire service is that reviewing programmes after estimates have been indicated in the budget means that the budget might not reflect the actual management plans. It is also at concern that the intended management structure is not consistent with the estimates set out in according to best value accounting code of practice. The estimates have been apportioned to enable the set up. Total operating income of 205 against projections of 965 is a case of considerable concern. Such a discrepancy can affect the objectives of the budget drastically. Such an event is of considerable importance because it is a cash inflow. One of the objectives of engineering services is to get an operating surplus. Such an objective is not consistent with the broad objectives of the public sector services. By ensuring that ICTU courses are in line with Essex counting fire and rescue service policy and practice means that the company is reacting instead of being proactive. Its practices could be better suited than those of the policy. By setting estimates the Essex fire services might be restricting itself only to the projections and may fail to take advantage of existing solutions or the ground of the actual time. In as much as budget is a pointer of intentions for the year, it is bound to strengths and weaknesses. Budgets are just an indicator and room for adjustments should be made. Budgets only provide a framework and should not be relied on

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Public Health Infrastructure, and the Status of World Essay

The Public Health Infrastructure, and the Status of World - Essay Example Discussed below is an agenda that Afghanistan can apply to improve the health situation. The various applicable programs in Afghanistan are; Meeting basic health care wants, mainly in rural regions, putting up primary health infrastructures, planning and monitoring, endorsing research and methodology progress, control of contagious diseases, national free health systems, protecting defenseless groups, meeting the town health problem, decreasing health risks from ecological effluence and hazards, and meeting basic health care wants, mainly in rural regions The Afghanistan government should aim towards food security, with priority sited on the eradication of food contagion; inclusive and sustainable water plans to ensure secure drinking water and cleanliness to prevent both chemical and microbial pollution, and endorsement of health teaching, vaccination and provision of vital medicine (Wright, 2009). Education and proper services concerning responsible setting up of family size, with value for religious, cultural, and social ways, in keeping with liberty, self-esteem and personal principles, and taking into consideration cultural and ethical considerations, also add to these activities. The Afghanistan Government and the local system, with the endorsement of pertinent non-governmental organizations, as well as worldwide organizations, in the luminosity of countries precise conditions and wants, should reinforce their health area programs, with particular attention to achieving the following. (i) Establish and strengthen basic health care systems that are realistic, community-based, logically sound, socially suitable and appropriate to their wants and that meet vital health needs for safe food, clean water, and sanitation (ii) Endorse the application and strengthening of methods that develop harmonization between health and related segments at all suitable

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizational Evaluation of Zara Cloth Company Essay

Organizational Evaluation of Zara Cloth Company - Essay Example The Company is an active member of the Inditex group (Tungate, 2008). The chain store was founded and is currently owned by Amancio Ortega and Rosalia Mera. Zara produces quality cloths that have attracted customers in the entire globe. This paper evaluates certain organization functions of the organization. Physical Assets, Products, Manufacturing and Distribution Success of Zara Chain Store has been attributed to extensive utilization of its opportunities through online services (Badia, 2009). To enhance sale of its products, Zara uses both offline and online shops, which increases its customer-serving capacity and physical market coverage. The company has not only used online communication to contact its clients, but also to advertize its products. The chain store has successfully opened several online shops and plans to launch several services in all its outlets. According to Badia (2009), branches of Zara are vertically integrated retailers. That is, though the branches use diff erent production processes, they are united by a common goal (Harrigan, 2003). Different products produced are, consequently, integrated to satisfy a common need. The Clothing Store produces large quantities of clothes of different fashions, styles, or designs and covers all groups of people. Sale of the products is done either locally or exported to foreign market. Zara products are manufactured in various stores in Spain, Europe, Asia, and Africa (Tungate, 2005). As another vital asset of the organization, recent success of Zara is attributed to the launching online boutique by the Inditex in September 2010. The online shopping provision was first initiated in Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and France markets. Launching of the boutique website was preceded by creation of a cyberspace due to high demand for online shopping (Tungate, 2008). The two sites function like physical shopping stores in, which a wide range of products are provided at fair prices. The onlin e service also provides different payment methods from which a customer can select a method that best suits him/her. In addition, the website provides a variety of delivery methods a customer can use after ordering a shipment. A customer can either pay for a postal delivery or be free to pick his/her purchase from the store (Badia, 2009; Tungate, 2008). Human Resource Management in Zara In Zara Chain Store, existence and functionality of Human Resource Management (HRM) depends diversity within a workforce, employee relations, and training and skills development (Tungate, 2008). Expansion of the organization has triggered the need to design appropriate ways of obtaining and maintaining quality performing employees. Resource managers in various Zara stores, therefore, concentrate on maintaining good relationship between employers and employees and among employees. Resource management in Zara, in effect, focuses on satisfactory productivity, improved motivation, and high morale upkeep of workers. In Zara Stores, diversity in HRM reflects variations present in its workforce. Workforce diversity in Zara is attributed to differences in various demographic factors. Such factors include age, gender and social class. With the increasing need for employees due to advances in technology, management teams in Zara constantly strategize on ways of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Responding to classmates' work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Responding to classmates' work - Essay Example The whole reference about Palestine Liberation Organization, bombings, shootings and suicide all refer to the routine lives which the western world does not understand. Thus MIA, like other artists all over the world, uses the entertainment platform to educate the audience about their problems which they cannot through any other means. I would like to say that culture and identities are all created to keep one's own interests in check. Since the resources in the world are scarce, people had to create their own identities to stamp their names on a particular resource to keep it safe from others. Thus my belief is anti-Tomlinson that 'cultural identity is a victim, not product, of globalization'. As a rationalist I believe that everybody selfishly thinks about oneself and protects ones resources. Having British accents in the movie is a sign that the 'universe parallel to our own' will have people that are just like the people in UK thus showing enforcing the superiority of the UK. Now since the flow of information is universal due to globalization, it is even more important for people to protect their own interests. Thus cultural or group identities are indeed becoming ever more meaningful as entities themselves. Globalization is a worldwide phenomenon yet the western world is involved in it than the eastern.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hagar in The Stone Angel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hagar in The Stone Angel - Essay Example On various occasions the hero of a tragedy is given opportunities to overcome his mistakes. Many modern writers have extended the category of a tragic hero and have included a common man who is equally capable of becoming a tragic hero. Hagar, in The Stone Angel is one such example. Hagar is a common woman with self-made dignity. She has a misstep, a tragic flaw, which is her unconquerable pride. As she says â€Å"Pride was my wilderness and the demon that led me there was fear... [I was] never free, for I carried my chains within me, and they spread out from me and shackled all I touched.† Her pride became the cause of her failed relationships with her father, brothers and sons. On various occasions Lawrence makes us understand her proud nature. She would not pretend to be her mother to console her dying brother. The incident ruined her relationship with her brother Matt. Her proud nature became the cause of her poor relationship with her husband. She felt too proud to show her emotions towards her husband. She refused to let John and Arlene stay in her house for the night. She refused to cry at the death of Arlene. â€Å"I shoved her [matrons] arms away.  Ã‚  I straightened my spine... I wouldnt cry in front of strangers, whatever it cost me†. The realization, that her pride came in the way of her son’s happiness, came to her very late. Hagar refused to adjust herself to the circumstances. She would not shift to the nursing home and instead told Doris and Marvin to move out of the house. Her stubborn nature came in the way of her happiness. It led her to her destruction. The tragedy of Hagar is that she refuses to change. Although Hagar and King Lear appear similar in their journey to self-discovery, a major difference becomes evident in the after effects of their epiphanies. Lear is redeemed after his epiphany and pushes away his pride. He reconciles with his daughter and is sent to jail, which does not matter

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fatigue Essay Example for Free

Fatigue Essay This is a summary of Jane Brodys article, Fatigue. Fatigue is one of peoples most common complaints. Even though there is new technology that saves people from doing everything by hand people still complain about being tired. Brody stated that physicians reported people who tend to keep themselves busy with work tend to not be as fatigued. Tiredness mainly comes from not doing much rather than wearing yourself down. Overall, there are diverse reasons for people being tired. Being physically active seems to be the cure for fatigue. There are three kinds of fatigue. One is physical fatigue the second type is pathological fatigue and the third is psychological fatigue. These all have causes and cures for fatigue. Physical fatigue is caused by over working ones body. Another cause can be carbon dioxide and lactic acid that collects in the body which weakens the muscles. This prevents them from functioning effectively. Physicians recommend that rest is way to cure physical fatigue. Another type of fatigue is pathological fatigue. Pathological fatigue is a warning sign of a cold or disease such as cancer. After being ill or over worked one must give their body time to fully recover. A physical check-up is highly recommended to check if something is wrong with one self. Many times the cause for fatigue can be undetected or over looked. The third type of fatigue is psychological fatigue. Emotional problems like depression and anxiety are the cause of prolonged fatigue. Prolonged fatigue can cause ones denial of depression and the cause of it. Mainly when feelings arent expressed openly, the outcome is normally fatigue. One common fatigue syndrome is the Tired Housewife Syndrome in which young mothers stay home all day and have nothing to look forward to. The mothers soon develop resentment and envy towards their husband. The cure for this fatigue is professional counseling.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gilgamesh and Odyssey Essay Example for Free

Gilgamesh and Odyssey Essay Gilgamesh is an ancient poem that significantly marked its name as somehow being the first major heroic narrative in the world literature. Fractions of this literature were discovered uniquely carved in tablets even before the Roman, Hebrew and Greek civilization appeared. Gilgamesh depicts a unique and propinquity story of Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu that transcribed a complex and moving gist of bonds of friendship, of the pursuit for prominence and of the enduring and timeless attempt to escape death, of which considered to be the common fate of humankind. On the other hand, Odyssey, an epic story by Homer, is concerned on the idyllic events proceeded after a war and mainly on the significant return of the heroes who survived the war. The main subject of this written epic work somehow focus on the enduring, drawn-out return of one of the heroes named Odysseus of Ithaca, whose fate is to amble in unknown seas for ten years before he returned to his rocky kingdom. This paper will provide detailed and comprehensive comparison between the two main characters from both epics Gilgamesh and Odyssey. Motivation, goals, self-control, pride, outside influences, behaviors and personal and social relationships will serve as points of comparison being grasped in this paper. Motivation and Goals Gilgamesh, as described in the transcription, was provided with bizarre and astonishing strength, courage, and beauty by his divine and great creator. He is portrayed to be more of a god than a man. These characteristics of him profoundly surpass all circumstances all throughout his journey, a journey that significantly paved the greatest aspiration that probably mankind would have wanted – how to escape the universal fate of the human race. Simply, Gilgamesh wanted to run away from death and have eternal life. One of the tablets inscribed the mere dialogue between Gilgamesh and Utanapishtim (The Distant One). Utanapishtim is descriptively the wisest man who ever lived. Gilgamesh’s search for eternal life led him to ask Utanapishtim the greatest question, how to escape the universal fate of mankind? On a tablet transcribing such meeting, Gilgamesh apparently questions Utanapishtim of how did the latter join the ranks of the gods and find eternal life, though Gilgamesh described him not different; physically indifferent and yet his eart drained of battle spirit. And as response to the wondering question of Gilgamesh, Utanapishtim told him the â€Å"story of the flood†. Utanapishtim profoundly stated that he was commanded to build a boat to save everyone from the wrath of a devastating flood made by a god named Enlil, the chief god living on earth to wipe out human race. This story somehow illustrates events similar to the biblical script â€Å"Noah’s Ark†. The punishment to human race by Enlil gave Utanapishtim the opportunity to have eternal life. Gilgamesh’s greatest achievement though was bringing back to the human race this untold and unknown story. Gilgamesh, by some means, got hold of a plant that can likely grant rebirth to those who eats it, but unfortunately, a serpent stole it from him. With greater wisdom, Gilgamesh returned to Uruk knowing that only the gods are immortal. The goal of seeking immortality is what made both Gilgamesh and Odysseus, from Homer’s epic Odyssey, distinct and divergent with each other. Unlike Gilgamesh, whose goal is to seek and find answers on how to become immortal, Odysseus’s goal, on the hand, is merely the fact that he wants to find his way back home after a long and bloody war. During his voyage towards home, several temptations tested his mental qualities and physical endurance. Circe offered him the Lotus flower that endows forgetfulness of home and family. The greatest temptation however is offered by the goddess Calypso, whom he spent his seven years with – immortality. Instead of accepting such promising offer of immortality, he somehow denied such and still chooses the human conditions in spite of struggles, difficulties, disappointments and even its foreseeable death. Odysseus’s motivational force that drives his willingness to go back home is his wife, Penelope. Self-control Gilgamesh was first described as a king without self-control, rash and violent. People of Uruk, his kingdom, often complained about his absence of self-control towards oppressiveness to the Sumerian gods. Due to this aggressiveness, the gods created Enkidu as counterweight to Gilgamesh. But surprisingly, both Gilgamesh and Enkidu became best of friends; they fought together in every battles and wars, and found in each other the true companion they both sought. In an event where both took an adventure to seek universal fame and immortality pictures out the harsh and uncontrollable oppression to the gods overwhelmingly end the curtain to Enkidu. Enkidu’s death and his continuous and sole journey to seek immortality cause personal transformation. This change and transformation broaden his perception towards greater acceptance and recognition of reality and man’s mortality. On the other hand, Odysseus has extreme sense of self-control. Within the epic story, his remarkable self-control was described and admired. Again, during his adventures on the voyage home, his mental abilities and his physical endurance were tested. Instances occurred that tempted him to descend from his struggle towards home. A Lotus flower is said to suggest forgetfulness of home and family. Circe, goddess of magic, offered a pleasant life in the island of Lotus eaters. In the Phaeacia, he once offered the love and marriage of a young princess. Calypso is an immortal goddess whom Odysseus spent his life with for seven years offered the most significant and most tempting proposal, which probably all of mankind cannot resist. Calypso offered eternal life for Odysseus that will make him immortal. But all of these temptations were single-handedly denied by Odysseus as he preferred more to be mortal and be human amidst varied struggles, disappointments and the predictable end called death. Self-control might be a struggle for every man, but if every man has the drive to hold on to their will and embrace limitation, it will never be too late or too impossible to resist and deny any temptations. Pride The story of Gilgamesh started out as depiction of his arrogance of power. Because of his extraordinary capabilities endowed to him by his divine creator, his egotism of power endangered the relationship between mankind and the Summerian gods. To end Gilgamesh’s arrogance and injustices, gods then created Enkidu. His arrogance and pride concerning his power and unusual capabilities were continuously tested all throughout their journey in quest of rejuvenation of life and immortality. But then again, as mentioned earlier the previous section, after Enkidu’s death changed his perception not only towards man’s mortality but also the perception of one-self. One of the most significant limitations that Odysseus possesses is his pride which Odysseus had much. Part of the story somehow depicted Odysseus’s pride, particularly on the Cyclops’ island. When Odysseus and his men escaped safely from the island, Odysseus surprisingly brags and boasts about his exploit. Cyclops heard him and tossed huge rocks into the ship and some almost sing the ship. Effect of circumstances surrounding the character There are several external influences that bounds and affects the transformation of the once-known arrogant and violent king of Uruk. Due to the egoistic personality of Gilgamesh, it resulted to the discontentment and complaints from his people in which Summerian God interfered. The effect of these external events somehow paved a new path towards the overall impacts of Gilgamesh’s journey that led to his transformation from an arrogant king to a more unselfish and wisdom-filled individual. Another circumstance that greatly affected the character is the death of his supposed and destined enemy, Enkidu. Enkidu was a god-like mortal created by the gods intended to end Gilgamesh’s injustices and arrogance. Both somehow became friends and found a true and deep bond of friendship with each other. Death of his friend allowed him to solely seek answers for mankind’s immortality, which led him to his astonishment that there should no more battle to be fought and needs answers not surpassing violent circumstances. His continuous journey to seek answer guided him to Unatapishtim, the Divine One who could answer Gilgamesh’s wonderings, and which that this Divine One is blessed with immortality and abundance from the gods. Their conversation drew in new and significant events of the Divine One that gave him unending mortality. This occurrence surprisingly influenced and changed Gilgamesh’s perception on man’s mortality and broadens his acceptance to reality. Odysseus’s journey back home from the Trojan War somehow had endowed circumstances that might affect his own beliefs and characteristics. For example, when tempted by different immortal goddesses, most especially on the offering by Calypso to have everlasting and unending existence, he still grasps tightly to his humanity and instead chose to be human than immortal. His faith and dedication somehow proved that every obstacles and disappointments can be surpassed if he is optimistic enough to exceed and outdo every ounce of it. Behaviors In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh’s subservient behavior is steered by his own self-contentment and self-sufficiency. Arrogant, violent, harsh, and no self-control are self-seeking behaviors and characteristics being affixed to the king, in which all these opened doors to discontentment and dissatisfaction from people. Gilgamesh’s behavior guided him to destruction. This ego-centric manner blinded Gilgamesh from reality that his conscious tried to make him see. For an instance, Gilgamesh tried to strike down on Ishtar during their second adventure to Cedar Forest with Enkidu. Ishtar cannot handle Gilgamesh’s harsh rejection and provoked to send the Bull of Heaven against the people of Uruk. Although they succeeded, it brought terrible damage to his kingdom and brought about the painful death of Enkidu. Unlike Gilgamesh, who is depicted as ego-centric individual, Odysseus has the contrast of this characteristic. Odysseus is optimistic and altruistic as he struggles not only for his own survival during the war, but also for his shipmate’s personal survival. Odysseus is described having versatility which either way compliments his physical strength and courage in battle, skills he showed during the war at Troy. These behaviors somehow resulted from his eagerness to return home to his wife and from his perseverance to preserve and finish the heroic reputation and dignity that he won in war at Troy. The same scene that illustrated Odysseus pride also depicts his care and being concerned to his fellow shipmates. After Cyclops threw boulders to the ship, Odysseus hastily gave his identity to Cyclops and the latter called Poseidon, his father, to punish Odysseus who brought harm to him. That incident hurt Odysseus more than losing his fellow men. This showed Odysseus’s heed towards his fellow shipmen. Personal and Social Relationships The Gilgamesh poem depicted not only ancient Mesopotamian myths and legends, but also endowed diverse and complex relationships and dealings between people involved in the epic story, particularly the main character, Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh’s relationship towards his people as a king is somehow in deep and shaky condition. There have been misunderstandings and lack of sense of unity between the king and its people that hindering a kingdom to flourish due to Gilgamesh’s disturbing and arrogant means of ruling Uruk. Another unstable relationship is with Gilgamesh and the Summerian gods. Gilgamesh tends to oppress the gods which led to the creation of Enkidu. Although Enkidu was created as a counterweight of Gilgamesh, unpredictably, both became friends. Relationship between the king and the supposed enemy is probably the most light and happy relationship made by Gilgamesh. They think of each other as brothers and a true companion in which their common journey indeed deepened their brotherly bond and friendship. There are also different relationship built all throughout the story between Odysseus and other characters in the epic. Again, he built a strong and deep bond and camaraderie with his fellow men. He even risked himself just to keep other from falling in the hands of Cyclops. Odysseus somehow has heart of gold for those who treasure him and appreciate him from his doings. His relationship with his wife, Penelope, also is as strong and sturdy as a diamond which no one can break even through rough and long times of being away from each other. To show his commitment and love to his wife, he even tricks his wife’s suitors and disguised himself as beggar.

History And Evolution Of Sitcoms

History And Evolution Of Sitcoms In the field of entertainment, everybody could use a good laugh and this is where the comedy genre comes in. As the name states, its purpose is to bring humor and laughter to the audience. Comedies come in many formats in movies and television. In television, one of the most common genre is the situation comedy or sitcom, for short. As the name states the plot is centered on a particular situation set in a typical setting such as a home or workplace. A situation comedy features a regular cast of characters plus recurring ones who would appear in subsequent episodes as well as special guest stars. There are sitcoms that are aired performed before a live studio audience, making it similar to a theatrical play. One can tell it is live whenever a special guest star would appear as the audience would cheer enthusiastically. Another distinctive feature of the sitcom is the laugh track or what is called canned laughter which is played every time a hilarious scene unfolds. What makes sitcoms different from stand up comedy and sketch comedy is that they have a storyline and this essentially makes it a comedic drama; and as mentioned before, the setting is usually centered on family, workplace, or a group of friends as the principal characters or mainstays. Sitcoms came about when the television was introduced and this enabled audiences to return to a certain program if they like it. As a result of this (initial) trend, the performers who have key roles would become mainstays and the situations would remain the same to enable audiences to be familiar with them. Even animated shows, also adapt the sitcom format to cater to a specific audience as well, not merely children. Another feature of the sitcom is that it is often character driven and naturally, running gags often develop during a series or season. The plot of a sitcom episode is typical: It starts with the status quo where everything is normal among the characters and then, a disruption will occur, thereby affecting the usual situation and the relationships of the characters, but by the end of the episode, these issues will be settled, the situation will revert to the status quo and it is alls well that ends well until the next episode where the it will happen all over again but in a different plot. History and Evolution: Throughout its history, sitcoms over the years have evolved not only in the performers but also in the plot as well as how humor is delivered. In the early years of sitcom, the most common method of delivery is the slapstick approach of the 1950s and well into the 1960s. The slapstick is characterized by exaggerated violence where the characters appear to be hitting one another with exaggerated sound effects without getting hurt. This is common is earlier comedies such as The Three Stooges. Slapstick also features characters doing unthinkable or crazy stunts or acts or silly things in the scene to the point of making complete fools of themselves. One of the most popular sitcoms of the period was I Love Lucy starring the real-life couple of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. This sitcom is one of those that features the slapstick delivery. One example is a scene in one episode where Lucy works in a chocolate factory. The chocolates are being churned out so fast that Lucy had to eat those that could not be packaged. In another episode, Lucy was mashing grapes in a winery and wrestled with another worker in the vat, making a mess out of themselves (Oppenheimer, 4-5). As for the setting, it centers on a typical couple, Lucy and Ricky (Arnaz) Ricardo. What makes the story interesting is that Lucy is not content in being a plain housewife while her husband works as a bandmaster in a club. Lucy aspires to have a career and this is the source of the humor. Besides these madcap adventures and misadventures, there is also the relationship with their neighbors Fred and Ethel who play the straight couple to their seemingly dysfunctional one to provide balance. Essentially, women would be portrayed as scatterbrained but extremely clever, men would be indignant (like Ricky), and friends or neighbors would be unwitting pawns, accomplices or villians (such as Fred and Ethel). Besides the typical family setting, early sitcoms offer different settings but with similar plots such as Sergeant Bilko, which looks at the humorous side of the military; Car 54 Where Are You? for the police officers and McHales Navy in the US Navy set during World War II to boot. The 1960s added a fantasy touch with sitcoms like I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched. This was made possible with advancements in the realm of special effects which enabled these magic tricks to be performed. In addition, 1960s sitcoms deviated from the earlier ones in the sense that they were not filmed before live audiences but were filmed instead where the sessions are called tapings. The 1970s and 1980s saw a change in the character makeup of the sitcoms as evidenced by such shows as The Jeffersons, Different Strokes, Barney Miller and Chico and the Man where nonwhites began to share top billing as well yet the plot remains the same. This underscored by the real-world events happening the changes America has been going through by way of racial integration and that nonwhites were not regarded as equals to whites. This is what these shows intend to convey besides providing laughter (Dalton and Linder 125-126; Hamamoto 87, 90-91). In terms of delivery, studio audiences became the norm again on shows that were not filmed in several locations and several factors have to be taken into consideration such budget (Dalton and Linder 49-50). There were also changes in the composition of the characters or how they are shown in the show. It is no longer the typical family. The show would center on the kids or teens such as Facts of Life and Charles in Charge which deals prima rily with issues teenagers usually face. Besides race, feminism got into the act with shows such as Rhoda and The Mary Tyler Moore Show as women took lead roles in sitcoms as well. The 1990s saw a continued surge of similar shows such as Murphy Brown and Just Shoot Me. There were even instances when some shows would challenge morals at the time such as MarriedWith Children which features a dysfunctional family, an introduction to the genre commonly known as transgression comedy. One other noticeable feature of sitcoms starting in the 1970s was the evolution of the delivery. Slapstick was no longer used at this point in time. Rather, the producers and the performers make use of the current situations they are in, whether they are personal, affecting only them or the social situation that affects them entirely. In other words, they poke fun at their problems without having to do crazy stunts or exaggerated violence reminiscent of The Three Stooges. The 1990s saw the emergence of sitcoms in animation followed the lead of live shows such as The Simpsons which is still enjoying a following to this day, and later South Park (Dalton and Linder 270-271). This trend would go on well into the 21st century with similar shows coming out such as The Office and 30 Rock which still follow the same trend. Furthermore, sitcoms have also broken down into categories according to age groups. Disney Channel offers sitcoms for children and teenagers such as Thats so Raven, Hannah Montana and Corey in the House. Naturally, the shows centers on the younger characters with the adults in the supporting role but the plot is nonetheless similar to the mainstream sitcoms (Dalton and Linder 44-45). Analysis: By the 21st century, the trend in the entertainment industry is leaning toward reality-TV shows which feature non-actors and single-camera recordings. The reason for this increasing popularity is that the participants are not actors and the audience can easily relate to them as the cameras capture every moment of their life and they are seen in their best and their worst and there are no cuts and takes, the camera continues rolling. It is as real as it gets and all the elements or genres are there from action, drama and even comedy without the canned laughter. It is said that these shows will replace mainstream programming which would affect soap operas and sitcoms. But this does not mean sitcoms will fade into oblivion or give up without a fight. In the latter shows, for instance, The Office, 30 Rock and even The Drew Carey Show make use of an element called the pathos. Where the shows make the viewers sympathize with the characters, and relate to them on a level unlike any other show (Graham 1). Old sitcoms never had this pathos. The problems facing the characters in the show are similar problems the audience faces on a regular basis in real life (Graham 1). In addition, this pathos need not be exaggerated like in slapstick. It is shown in a plain simple way similar to what real people go through every day. The characters, especially the main ones, are depicted as the everyman or average Joe. In the case of the three sitcoms, they reflect the joys, trials and tribulations the average (American) employee goes through in their daily routine. Nothing is exaggerated and the issues they face are real since real people experience them too. Matthew G ilbert puts it nicely At their best these single hand held sitcoms are an uplifting art form, one that has come of age in the past 20 years. They can invent a unique comic lexicon, invite us to laugh at our failings, capture the brilliance of our imaginations, and satirize our culture, they can reflect, clarify, and normalize human nature(Gilbert 1). Even animated sitcoms like The Simpsons and South Park show that as well this is why such animated series also appeal to adults, breaking the notion that they are only for children. Shows like Arrested Development and The Office are amongst some of a growing number of sitcoms that look different and are produced differently from sitcoms in the past. Eric Berlin states on the changing sitcom This new genre combines oddball characters, stress on improv acting, cinematic look, expert single-camera production work, and inventive use of flashbacks, private one on one confessions with the camera and quick cut-aways. The writing is daring, smart, and resembles the everyday awkward encounters that humans experience(Berlin 3). Shows like The Office and Arrested Development have been appropriately termed by author Brett Mills as the televisual style called comedy verite(Thompson 63). What comedy verità © is doing through its distinctive televisual style is shift the source of humor in the television comedy from the constructed joke, as seen in prior sitcoms, to the observation of a comic event (Thompson 67). Thompson states The observational component of these sitcoms, w hich includes not just what they look like but also the timing of shots and the sense that at times we observe events in real time, creates a different type of engagement with the narrative. The sitcom is thus reinvigorated by a shift from the tired realm of the staged sitcom, with its three cameras, studio audience, or one-camera, coverage shooting, to an experience of observation or witness(Thompson 67). A big part of these new comedy verite style sitcoms is how they convey the observational mode that the viewer is caught in, primarily through handheld shooting and a pacing that suggests particular segments unfold in real time as if their viewer were there (Thompson 68). However these segments and scenes are increasingly taking place in intimate settings, including shots conveying a particular characters subjectivity and vulnerability, and are less marked by characters performing for the camera, a fly on the wall type of perspective (Thompson 68). This production style that is new to the Sitcom tries to convey to the viewer that they are not watching comedy but are observing the comedic acts that unfold before the ever present handheld camera. Whether the acting is improvised or carefully scripted, it looks like it just happened and thats the whole point (Thompson 71). As a mode of production, this new developed sub genre of the sitcom is addressing comedy like never before and is effective in the use of presenting what is truly funny to viewers. Furthermore, what makes sitcoms better than reality TV is, as mentioned earlier, these shows do not only try to make the audience relate to the character as far as pathos is concerned, but being a comedy, it encourages the audience to laugh off their problems as well. Furthermore, unlike reality shows, it is the characters that are laughed at, not the people themselves. Because of this, this is what will make sitcoms last longer and keep on entertaining people.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Causes And Effects Of World Wa :: essays research papers

Causes and Effects of World War I What were the causes and effects of World War I? The answer to this seemingly simple question is not elementary. There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I. Furthermore, the effects of the war were not just concentrated to a post-war era lasting for a generation of Westerners. No, the effects of the war were widespread throughout the world and can be traced to generations after the war. It is not a rare occasion that when a person is asked what the causes of World War I were, that they answer with the simple comment of an Austrian Prince being shot in Serbia. However the assignation of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie , in Sarajevo was not the main cause of the Great War. Rather, it was the breaking point for Austria in its dealings with Serbia. The truth of the matter is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the catastrophic war the engulfed the nations of Europe for over four years. World War I truly was the result of building aggressions among the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism. To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and an arms race. All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the outbreak of a world war. (Mckay, pg. 904) Two opposing alliances developed by the Bismarckian diplomacy after the Franco- Prussian War was one of the major causes of the war. In order to diplomatically isolate France, Bismarck formed the Three Emperor’s League in 1872, which was an alliance between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. Then in 1882 , Bismarck took advantage of Italian resentment toward France and formed the Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungry. In 1890 Bismarck was dismissed from his office and France took the opportunity to gain an ally, therefore , in 1891 the Franco- Russian Entente was formed. Then in 1904 Britain and France put aside their conflicts and formed the Entente Cordiale. As a result , the Triple Entente , a coalition between Great Britain, France , and Russia, countered the Triple Alliance. Now Europe was divided up into two armed camps.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Key Escrowing: History and How it Affects You Essay -- Technology Encr

Key Escrowing: History and How it Affects You Keys and key escrowing are important topics in the world of business today. If they are important in business why should you be concerned with them? This paper will cover what are private and public keys and key escrowing. It will discuss the benefits, disadvantages, issues of the past concerning these topics, and why you should have an interest in them. Private & Public Keys Private keys are mostly a thing of the past. They are simple and easy to have intercepted. The way private keys work is this: a message is written and encrypted by the sender using a key; next the receiver of the message is given the key along with the message; they are then able to decode what was written (Baase, 88). The problem with this is that there is really no need to encode the message. If you have to give the key to the receiver, why not just give them the message not encrypted? Public keys provide much more security. In public key procedure, public and private keys are made. The public key is given to whoever would like to write an encrypted message. Once the message is encrypted and sent to the receiver, they use their private key to decode the message. Only the private key is able to decode. Not even the public key is able to decode what it just encoded (Baase, 95). If the encrypted document fell into the wrong hands, that person would have no way of deciphering it. Only the person possessing the private key has the ability to read the message. The government does not like this because illegal activities can be planned or talked about through this method without the government having any knowledge about it. That is why the government came up with the idea of key e... ...does key escrowing mean to the common person? First of all, information that you provide to banks, insurance agencies, hospitals, etc. is confidential information that is encrypted when it is sent electronically. If someone acquired a key that was not meant to, your information could be spread or sold. Your privacy would be breached. This is also an easy way for the government to store information on citizens. If they have keys to all encrypted documents, they would be able to access information at any time whether necessary or not. The idea of key escrowing is to protect the country. Its main intention is to raise the level of security. Terrorists or criminals could be caught before a serious incident occurred. Works Cited Baase, Sara. A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Computing. Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. 1997.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

World War II had many events that changed the world we live in today. There were two major events which were the Holocaust and dropping two atomic drops on the Japanese civilians. They both were reasoning with mass killing and also, mass caulsitaites. Holocaust was Adolf Hitler way to eliminate the enemy. World War II saw new military technology such as the atomic bomb. As a result of creating the atomic bomb, many countries raced to be the first to have it. The United States wanted to end the war as quickly as possible and believed dropping the atomic bomb was the best way to accomplish this. The men involved in these outrageous events justified there actions. Henry L. Stimson was the U.S Secretary of War and help with the decision to drop the atomic bomb. Rudolf Hoss was a Nazi solider in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. â€Å"Memoirs† by Rudolf Hoss and â€Å"The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb† by Henry L. Stimson give us some insight on what was going on at that time. Rudolf Hoss reconciled his role in the mass annihilation of Jews by racial superiority and anti-Semitism, while Henry L. Stimson reconciled his role in dropping the atomic bomb by claiming it was the best way to save as many American lives as possible. Henry L. Stimson result in dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 is a very controversial issue. The Japanese were known to be determined soldiers, and why dropping the bombs was the right choice when saving American lives. Stimson reconcile this choice because defeating the japanese would require lots of time, the lives of thousands of soldiers and numerous resources. Stimson states â€Å"the allies would be faced with the enormous task of destroying an armed force of five million men and five ... that he was not anti-semitic but that is not the case. He still treats them like every other prisoner because he feels empowered to do so. Hitler was this high ranking officer who gave Germany an enemy that everybody could hate. Atomic bombed getting dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 and the Holocaust were both huge events that happened during World War II. They both had massive death tolls. â€Å"Memoirs† by Rudolf Hoss and â€Å"The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb† by Henry L. Stimson give us some insight on what was going on at that time. Rudolf Hoss and Henry L. Stimson both justified their actin during these events. Stimson reconciled his role in dropping the atomic drop to end the war early and to save as many Americans as possible. Hoss rationalizes his action in killing the massive amount of Jewish people were racial superiority and German nationalism.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Urban Sprawl and Motorization

Increasing urban sprawl and motorization have become leading causes of environmental and social problems in recent years throughout the world, particularly in cities of developing countries. Urban sprawl is the disorderly expansion of urban areas, especially resulting from real estate development on the out skirts of a city. Motorization, which is linked to urban sprawl, can be defined as the increasing use of motor vehicles. Although motor vehicles offer some benefits such as convenience, their use results in environmental and social problems. All sorts of people are concerned about this issue, and making some suggestion to solve these problems. This essay will describe six solutions for the environment and social problems, and demonstrate that land management, reducing car use and using hydroponics or aeroponic technology are more effective way to confront these issues. Climate change, which is caused by motorization and urban sprawl, is one of the most significant problems. Urban sprawl results in more energy use in transportation, and it also use in large homes on the urban fringe which leads to more heating and cooling. This creates global warming gases such as carbon dioxide into the air. There are two solutions that offer different degrees of effect for the problem of climate change. Nuclear technologies are one solution. In Gonzalez’s article, two international business organizations named the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) recommend using new technologies such as new renewable energy and cleaner fuels helps to reduce global warming. However, Gonzalez (2005) explains these technological solutions can only shift the ecological pressure and cut down the global warming problem in the short term. For instance, nuclear energy emissions will cause other major environment problems (Gonzalez, 2005). Another shortcoming about nuclear technologies from Gonzalez (2005) is that now no technology are able to effectively reduce climate change problem, and allow present percentage of economic increase and consumption to keep going meanwhile decreasing global warming. Then the author highlight that environmental issues will become more serious before the success of the new technologies. Another solution of climate change is environmentally sensitive land management. Gonzalez (2005) suggests regulating the distances of residential and work places, and creating these places smaller. As a result, although nuclear terminologies can reduce climate change problem in a short term, land management is the most effective means. Urban sprawl results in the dramatically increasing use of automobile. Frumkin (2001) notes that motorization causes a numerous greenhouse gas emissions into the air, and physical health problems, such as worse lung function, and the mental health issues that affect local communities, especially the elderly and the very young. Living in suburbs, where is peace and quiet, provides benefits for human’s health (Frumkin, 2001). Thus, it increases the rural population. Gonzalez (2005) urged that people should get rid of dependence on cars, and spend more time on walking, biking and public transit. This solution seems to create the best effects to decrease the gas emissions to solve health problems. Another social problem is loss of farm land. Kenworthy and Hu (2002, 5 cited in Martin , 2007) explains that the percentage of urbanized land in China is growing, but the land use per capita has declined from 164 to 146 in six Chinese cities in five years. Yardley (2004 cited in Martin 2007) states that more than 2 per cent of farmland was replaced by urban areas in 2003. There are two solutions that offer different benefits. First, for this problem, McCartney (2010) suggests that people who live in the city are able to grow food in their private gardens or on balconies. Moreover, the author points out that people can grow food in a large-scale by using hydroponic or aeroponic technology in the future. This technology reduces vehicle CO2 emissions and people do not need to worry about the impact of droughts or floods to crops. Therefore, using hydroponics or aeroponic technology offers more. In conclusion, urban sprawl and motorization brings a variety of environmental and social issues namely climate change, health problem and loss of farm land. In this article, providing a number of methods to solve these problems. While some ways of approaching this problems including nuclear technologies, moving to suburbs and planting food in people’s private gardens or on balconies are able to help to decline damage of problems, these solutions still have some drawbacks. Accordingly, more effective and long method to resolve these problems are land management, reducing car use and using hydroponics or aeroponic technology.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Frankenstein Movie Version vs. Mary Shelley’s Novel Essay

In 1957 British Production Company Hammer Films launched their own series of adaptations of Frankenstein with the first film entitled â€Å"The Curse of Frankenstein†. The Frankenstein’s myth was revived once again. This time it was more different from the Universal Studios own version. The prominent element in the Universal Series was the monster but Hammer chose the person of Victor Frankenstein as focal point and subject of the story. The Curse of Frankenstein is set around 1880. Baron Victor Frankenstein and his new teacher Paul Krempe became close companions. They started their experiments and their first success was the reanimation of a puppy. After several years they want to experiment it on humans. They stole the body of a hanged highwayman from the gallows. Victor bought body parts like eyes, hands and several other parts, which they stitch together. Finally, the only thing needed to complete his creation is a brain, â€Å"the mind of a genius†. Victor killed his old mentor Professor Bernstein to place its brain in his creation. Victor Frankenstein was entirely different from the character in Shelley’s novel. He was not as bad as the film portrays. He doesn’t have to kill anyone to achieve his goal. The only close similarity to the original story is the monster with its ugly and horrible appearance. The monster also from the moment it wakes was found to be very aggressive and evil. It kills a blind man and a young girl unlike in the original where it is not even capable to express feelings and emotions. The film was based on the original story of Frankenstein novel but a lot of twists and modifications have been already done to the original theme. Works Cited Rohrmoser, Andreas. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) The Monstrous Baron: Hammer Film’s Frankenstein Series. 2006. 24 September 2008.

Enduring Love Quotes

Chapter 2 Although passion is not dealt with directly in this chapter, if you consider that Joe was passionate about the balloon incident then the following points can be made: â€Å"I was wild by now, ready to fight, run, dance, you name it† (page 20) Joe is clearly caught up in the moment, and his adrenaline has kicked in. Adrenaline itself can be seen as a form of liberation as it frees the body of its restrictions, and as the ‘fight or flight response theory’ says, allows you to escape dangerous situations, freeing yourself. the mania began to subside and I felt trapped and lonely in my decision† (page 21) This same excitement has now disappeared and he is imprisoned by his decision to go forward and investigate, as â€Å"to turn back would mean humiliation† for him. His desire to take control of the situation has led to him being in an ironically undesirable situation. This chapter also offers the first hints about Jed’s â€Å"long winter of obsession†, and although there are often references to the future they rarely tie in to the coursework title. ’What we could do, he said with a seriousness which warned against mockery, ‘is to pray together’† (page 25) Jed’s passion for religion has given him a means of liberation from the grim reality of the incident, as he believes that prayer will help them. However, this then backfires and his need to prayer imprisons him to be alone in prayer, as Joe will not join in. Chapter 4 Page 42 â€Å"My tormentor stirred†¦ † The love that Jed is creating in his imagination is making Joe constantly feel anxious and is imprisoning his thoughts and only allowing him to focus on Jed. Page 40 â€Å"†¦I returned his passion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Because he is tal king about this passion it is liberating him by getting it off his chest. Page 44 â€Å"I was scared of what it would do to me† He is talking about this situation with Jed and we can see that this obsession and passion from Jed is creating mixed emotions and creating this presence that Joe feels is constantly surrounding him. Chapter 5 – â€Å"I had already travelled some distance that evening from the time I had come in and had wanted only to talk to Clarissa about Parry† Imprisoning Joe as Jed is constantly on his mind and in his thoughts, even when spending time with Clarissa. â€Å"I love you† Carissa’s passion is liberated for Joe. – â€Å"He felt it too? † The whole situation with Jed traps Joe into this thought that he doesn't know the answer to. Chapter 6 Pg 59 middle of pg . â€Å"I almost said, or following me, but something held me back. † By Joe not telling Jed that he does not want him to stop following him, it lea ves Jed with the option to continue following joe without calling. As seen later in the novel, Jed does not call Joe as much butt continues to follow Joe, by writing letters and looking at his research.This imprisons Joe because Jed’s passion and love for him leads to Jed stalking him and becoming a dangerous threat to Joe and later Clarissa. Pg 56 above middle. â€Å"my cell, my guilt? † Joe feels guilty about the death of John Logan and feels he should go and tell Jean Logan (wife) . Joe wants to keep the fact that he thinks he caused john logan’s death by letting go of the balloon imprisons him because when he eventually goes to visit Jean Logan with his premeditated speech prepared about how John was brave etc.Is not appreciated by mrs logan because she asks him to find out if her husband was cheating on her. This imprisons him because he cannot get in touch with anyone else but Parry, the man who is passionately in love with him. Pg 60. â€Å"when this sto ry was closed it would be important to know something about Parry† I think what is being said is that because Joe is so passionate about science, he treats meeting Parry as some kind of experiment, he HAS to find SOMETHING out about him, and I believe Joe’s passion for science and wanting o know more imprisons him because he agrees to meet Jed. This leads to Jed thinking(in ch 7) that Joe sends more signals and then Jed’s obsessive love imprisons Joe throughout the novel Chapter 7 1) â€Å"You love me and there’s nothing I can do but return your love†¦ I don’t know why you have chosen me. All I know is that I love you too now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jed to Joe) (Imprisoning) This quote suggests that the assumed love that Joe has for Jed is imprisoning him because he has no choice but to give it back so he doesn’t necessarily feel liberated by the love given to him.This quote can also suggest that Jed may feel liberated by Joe because he says tha t Joe has chosen him which means he has been selected from and preferred above others. 2) â€Å"I was quite interested to know, although I also wanted to get away† (Joe to Jed) (Imprisoning) Although Joe is obviously feeling uncomfortable and awkward around Jed, he is still reluctant to leave him and still pushes to ask him questions even though he thinks Jed accusations are obscene. This might make feel Joe feel imprisoned because his actions can not reflect his mind because of the affect Jed has on him. ) â€Å"He was watching my face with a kind of hunger, a desperation† (Joe) (Liberating) Joe described the way Jed was looking at him like he was desperate which may suggest Jed relies on him to liberate him from whatever pain he is going through. This indicates that Jed needs their love to liberate him and is also desperate for it. 4) â€Å"I was feeling suffocated†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Joe) (Imprisoning) The fact that Joe uses the word suffocated suggests that Joe feels t hat Jed is preventing him from his right of living with both his presence and ways of thinking.The fresh air that Joe once had in his life has been cut off by the discomfort of Jed. Chapter 8 Jed seems to be imprisoning Joe from the very beginning of the chapter ‘I heard his voice on the monitor echo in the hall behind me. Joe, God’s love will seek you out’ he is unable to escape Parry ‘I went back to the hall and turned the monitor volume down’ the use of ‘echo’ is effective because it portrays how Parry is now all around him; he is unable to break away from the situation which seems unreal, he is constantly being reminded of their apparent ‘love. ’ In the bathroom I splashed my face with cold water†¦ it’s almost as though Joe cannot grasp the reality of the situation, he even has to splash his face with cold water to wake him up. He feels imprisoned by Jed’s love and is confused as to why Jed is so obses sed ‘Wondering what it would be like to be obsessed by someone like me’ Joe is terrified by the situation, he related back to the ballooning incident when they were having a picnic and Clarissa handed him a bottle of wine. He is trying to work out when the obsessions began and what triggered them. He is unable to escape Parry who has become so close to him now emotionally and physically.Joe feels the need to trace back to solve the situation which shows how serious it has become and how much it is now bothering him, it is affected his relationship with Clarissa. This is highlighted by the face Jed cannot escape from him in his own home; he results to turning of the answering machine. By the end of the chapter Joe has been affected ‘I thought, I’m in a relationship’ shows how Jed has the power to make Joe feel as though he is trapped in a relationship with him, he feels emotionally connected with him and is unable to break away.Parry could also be con sidered to be imprisoned by his love for Joe, ‘ he was always there, staring at the entrance, like a dog tied up outside the shop’ he is waiting just to speak to Joe who has described him as an animal possible because of his lack of care felt towards him. Furthermore, Parry is searching for signals ‘Joe, Brilliant idea with the curtains. I got it straight away? All I wanted to say is this. I feel it too. I really do’ he is seeking any little possibility that they could be together. In addition, he is trying to relate to Joe’s feelings to feel emotionally close.Chapter 9 ‘They rarely row, Clarissa and Joe. She is especially bad at arguments. She has never been able to accept the rules of engagement which permit or require you to say things that you do not mean, or are distorted truths or not true at all. She can’t help feeling that every utterance of hers takes her further not only from Joe’s love, but from all the love she’ s ever had, and makes her feel that a buried meanness has been exposed that truly represents her’This shows that passion can be imprisoning because it’s causing her not to say things because she’s frightened she’ll lose him. Causing her to think less highly of herselfClarissa’s personality is being held hostage by this fear of rejectionWe need to bear in mind that Clarissa and Joe are very comfortable with each other, these things are routineWe can prove it because while Clarissa is in the bath washing, Joe is sitting in the room having a conversation with her.‘His emotions are slow to shift to anger in the first place. ’ ‘Your only concern is I’m not massaging your damned feet after your hard day’ ‘Also it’s particularly hard to be harsh to Clarissa because she is so easy to wound. Angry words leave an instant mark of pain across her face’Jed’s passion for Joe provokes a kind of liberatio n in that Joe undergoes a personality change and breaks his own rules on what to say to Clarissa. ‘This reference to a recent tender half hour shows Joe as much as Clarissa. He had no resentment at the time, in fact he enjoyed it’This causes him to experience pleasure while hurting her. Clarissa leaves the room; ‘While it’s still delicious to feel wronged’ Ironically, she feels happy because Joe has hurt her. He feels he wouldn’t mind picking up the dressing table stool and throwing it through the window’ It is liberating because Joe wants to express and express his personality.Chapter 10 â€Å"Parry of course was to blame for coming between Clarissa and me†¦ † This shows how Parry’s passion towards Joe imprisons Joe, as it is ruining his relationship with Clarissa. So it is imprisoning Joe and also Clarissa showing that, passion can not only be imprisoning for the two people involved but can also affect those around as well. ‘high railings and perhaps some kind of military presence, a security guard or sentry. This shows one of the many references to prisons and imprisoned places during the book. Showing that as he saw his after Jed that it refers to how his passion is imprisoning Joe. â€Å"What do you want? †¦ Parry’s sobs got the better of him then. † This shows how Jed lets his emotions get the better of him and he almost explodes.He becomes out of control, his passion imprisons himself, and he does things that maybe aren’t seen as normal and this shows how he is feeling used and tortured and that he can’t get away from Joe, so he is imprisoned by him. â€Å"I thought of Clarissa with a sudden leap of cheerful love†¦ Here passion is shown to be liberating. As Joes passion towards Clarissa helps him, makes him happy and almost hopeful. It also seems to help him pull through all the nastiness he just experienced. Chapter 11 (Jed’s first lett er) Page 94 – â€Å"And you, constrained as you are by your situation and by your sensitivity to Clarissa’s feelings† In Jed’s letter, he says that he understands why Joe cannot contact him directly and obviously. Jed feels that this is because Joe’s passion for Clarissa is imprisoning him by preventing him from contacting Jed, which Jed feels is what Joe wants to do.Page 94 – 95 – â€Å"What I’m trying to say is, you’ve seen my soul (I’m certain of that), and you know how to reach deeper into me, but you know next to nothing about the ordinary details of my life – how I live, where I live, my past, my story. It’s only the outer clothing, I know, but our love has to include it all† Passion is liberating as, according to Jed, his passion for Joe means that Jed can tell Joe everything about him. Passion is liberating because Jed’s â€Å"soul† has been revealed to Joe.However, it co uld also be said that passion is imprisoning as Jed says â€Å"our love has to include it all†, which could be seen as imprisoning as it means Joe has to know everything about Jed and Jed has to know everything about Joe. This could be imprisoning as it means they have no privacy. Page 97 – â€Å"Does it horrify you that I can see through you so easily? I hope it thrills you, the way it thrills me when you guide me with your messages, these codes that tap straight into my soul† Jed believes that he completely understands Joe, because of their love.This passion is liberating as Jed believes that his passion for Joe has given him the ability to understand him easily. Chapter 13 â€Å"I wanted to suggest that we talked in the garden, under the blossom, in the fresh air. † Top of page 113 This particular quote could be taking very literally; Joe feels imprisoned in the house, trapped by Mrs Logan’s passionate grief over the death of her husband.  "If she comes near this house,† Jean Logan said simply as the door behind us opened and two children came into the room, â€Å"I’ll kill her. God help me but I will. Page 117 last paragraph. This quote is a good example of just how imprisoned by passion Mrs Logan is. With the picnic that she has kept, and the over-analysis of the rose water on the scarf, along with this quote we can tell how trapped by the idea of her husband having an affair she is. However, whether her husband turns out to have been cheating or not, both outcomes will be distressing for her. If he really was she will have to live with the idea that she was unfaithful, if he never did she has to live with the knowledge that she suspected him, even after he died a hero.On the other hand it could also be said that she is liberated by this passion as it gives her something to focus on other than the loss of her husband. â€Å"Imagining what it would mean†¦ and save our love. † Page 112, Secon d paragraph. Seeing Mrs Logan’s grief reignites in Joe his passion for Clarissa, which in turn liberates him from his obsession with Jed, albeit only temporarily. He realises that he needs to try to save their relationship. Chapter 14 pg118 â€Å"It was with a touch of sadness that Clarissa sometimes told me that I would have made a wonderful father. Here, Joe’s love for Clarissa is presented as being imprisoning as Joe is willing (and happy) to stay with Clarissa despite saying that love’s only use was reproduction. It is ironic that later in the book Joe and Clarissa adopt a child, have his attitudes changed towards the purpose of love? Joe’s passion for rationality might restrict him from committing to Clarissa as they cannot reproduce together. Joe is torn between his want or even need to be a father, and wanting to stay with the love of his life.Pg118 â€Å"I see myself through that child’s eyes, and remember how I regarded adults when I was small. They seemed a grey crew to me, too fond of sitting down, too keen on small talk, too accustomed to having nothing to look forward to. † The notion of rationality being a kind of innocence or naivety as pointed out by Clarissa is reinforced here. Adults are often restricted by commitments, duties, morals etc. Childhood can be considered a small period of freedom as children do not have the duties or commitments that an adult does.Thus, Joe is liberated by his passion for rationality (if we adopt the view that rationality is a kind of innocence) as he is not confined by the 9-5 regularity of a mundane adult life. pg121 â€Å"Was my life to be entirely subordinate to other people’s obsessions? † It is clear that Joe is imprisoned by Jed’s love towards him, as he himself develops an obsession with finding threats in Jed’s actions. This comes very close to ruining Joe and Clarissa’s relationship. Therefore we can say that Jed’s love for Joe is imprisoning for Joe as he is in a mental cage of which he cannot escape.At this point, Joe is talking about being subordinate to Jean Logan’s obsession about finding the truth about her late husband. The book is very centred on obsessions and the fact that McEwan infers that Joe’s mental health is gradually deteriorating shows that Joe is being destroyed by the obsessions. Tension is also built, as again Joe cannot escape from them. Why does Joe agree to phone the other people from the accident when he seems so intent on avoiding further trouble? Chapter 15 â€Å"He (Parry) said, ‘I’m pretty well off you know. I can get people to do things for me.Anything I want. There’s always someone who needs the money. What’s surprising is how cheap it is, you know, for something you’d never do yourself? ’† Though at the time Parry seems to be referring to the ease of hiring a researcher, the subtle threat that lies undern eath these words stems from his passion (as does pretty much anything Parry does) and he ends up trapping Joe, who will now have to go around worrying about what Parry could do. â€Å"We were so happy in our reunion, so easy with each other, and now I could not quite imagine a route back into that innocence. Thanks to the passion of the last few weeks; both Jed’s passion for Joe and Joe’s speculated return passion for Jed, both Joe and Clarissa (and pretty much every other character) are now trapped, waiting for the story they are in to unfold, and cannot get back to the way things were. Chapter 16 Jed’s – Second Letter Page 133 – â€Å"He needs my help, I told myself whenever I came close to giving up, he needs me to set him free from his little cage of reason. † Jed feels that his passion for Joe and his passion for his faith can liberate Joe from his beliefs in science and â€Å"reason†.Joe’s passion for science is imprison ing him in a â€Å"cage of reason† where he cannot understand faith. Page 136 – â€Å"one day you’ll be glad to say, deliver me from meaninglessness† Jed believes that his passion for his faith will make Joe want to be liberated from the â€Å"meaninglessness† of science and reason. Page 137 – â€Å"In four years’ journalism, not a word about the real things like love and faith. † Passion is imprisoning because Joe’s passion for science is imprisoning him for expressing and believing in the importance of â€Å"love and faith†. Chapter 17Pg141 â€Å"I had started this love affair and I should therefore face my responsabilities towards him. † Jed’s obsession with Joe has now become so intrinsic to Joe’s life that he is led to believe that he is the cause of it. Jed’s letters are persuasive enough that Joe almost seems to accept that it was he who started Parry’s erotomania, this im prisons Joe as he thinks he is to blame†¦ and possibly to blame for the breakdown of his and Clarissa’s relationship as he also reflects again upon his luck of his ending up with Clarissa if he is so â€Å"oafishly large and coarse†(pg140) – makes Joe feel inadequate â€Å"I wanted more than that (hint of threat).I longed for it. Please put the weapon in my hands, Jed. One little threat would have given me enough to take to the police, but he denied me. † Joe is in a sort of limbo, the obsession is too much for Joe to just ignore, but too small for the police to take any sort of action. Therefore, Joe is restricted by Jed’s love as although he might say something in his letters that Joe could meticulously infer was a threat, Jed’s love for Joe is too strong for him to be overtly threatening. Pg143 â€Å"This was love’s prison of self-reference. † Jed’s solipsism is imprisoning as said by Joe, for Joe or Jed?Jed refu ses to be affected by external factors as Joe tries to create these signals himself, he lives in his own world creating his own signals that supposedly come from Joe. Chapter 18 â€Å"Clarissa thought her emotions were the appropriate guide, that she could feel her way to the truth† This shows passion to be almost liberating as Clarissa believes her passion towards Joe, and almost her passion towards emotion and her beliefs will bring her to the ‘truth’ and will help her to find what she needs. â€Å"I gathered all Parry’s letters together†¦ lacing each in a plastic folder. † Here we see how passion can be imprisoning, as Jed’s passion for Joe is imprisoning Joe, as it has made Joe obsessive in a way and makes him feel like he needs to spend a lot of time on this. So we see that is it bothering him, as he can’t do anything about it and so it is constantly on his mind. â€Å"it’s because one of our little playful episodes b rought me for the first time in my life†¦ on the edge of the invisible pitch. † Here we see how Joe’s passion for Clarissa and also reading and broadening his mind both are liberating to him.As we see how this is a significant moment for Joe, which has stuck in his mind because it mixed the two things he was so passionate about, which obviously made him happy. Analysis of Chapter 22 In this chapter, Jed Parry’s emotions are presented clearly, he feels emotionally imprisoned by his love for Joe, and has forbidden Clarissa to leave the apartment. In this chapter, Joe’s emotions reach the peak, this is shown because previous chapters he states how ‘alone’ he feels which lead him to purchase the gun for protection.The authorities have ignored Joe’s cause of concerns which leaves him feeling imprisoned and following a criminal root to resolve the situation. His imprisonment is presented when he says ‘It was just another of those i nert devices you wrap at home after shopping- mobile phone, VTR, microwave- and wonder how difficult it’s going to be to bring it to life’ he is trying to come to terms with the situation by relating it to things that he is familiar with such as home devices.‘These are the rumbling giants of this lower world for not far below the hreshold of visibility was the seething world of roundworms- the scavengers and the predators who red on them†¦ ’This reference to nature’s cycle possibly portrays his feelings towards the situation with Jed, that beneath the surface there are always complications for instance Jed’s emotions are deeper- it is an illness. Furthermore, the problems are not always visible just like Jed’s illness people are not listening to Joe which is making him imprisoned. Possibly the cycle reflects how Joe feels trapped in an emotional rollercoaster with Jed, unable to escape like the creatures who are in a food chain cy cle. ‘Round the back, where the dustbins were kept, was a locked fire escape for which only residents had the key’ Another cycle has been created, as Joe says ‘I haven’t been out here since the morning after Logan’s accident, after Parry’s phone call’ as we are taken back to when everything went wrong- the ballooning accident. Possibly the cycle portrays how trapped Joe feels unable to break away from Jed’s love, and feeling alone with no support from the authorities. Several relations to cycles emphasises how enclosed Joe feels. Chapter 23 We’ve loved each other passionately and loyally. Their love for each other has both liberated them.On the one hand, Joe’s love and passion for Clarissa drives him to keep things from her and eventually results in him shooting Parry before he could do any damage but he is liberated from the relationship (at the time) because Clarissa still wants time apart. Perhaps it became a sub stitute for the science you wanted to be doing Joe’s passion for science makes Clarissa believe that Jed was like a science experiment to Joe, and because Joe is so passionate about science he threw himself into researching everything he could about Jed but he imprisoned himself and became more distant and isolated from Clarissa.Chapter 24 â€Å"I dreaded more personal talk in such an enclosed space† (page 222) Their previous passion now means they cannot be so close together and quotes such as the above, or â€Å"we were in six feet of space, shoulder to shoulder in fact† suggest that they are imprisoned together, even though Joe desires liberation from the situation. â€Å"A rule never to be seen together in Oxford† (page 228) Even though Bonnie and Reid seem to love each other, the fact that they are a teacher and student means they are imprisoned to not be seen around Oxford.Another side of the argument is that passion has liberated Reid, as he feels that â€Å"it’ll be a relief to resign†. â€Å"But who’s going to forgive me? † (page 230) Jean Logan will now likely be imprisoned by guilt for the rest of her life, as she falsely accused John of an affair; her passion for him led to her almost going insane and coming up to baseless conclusions, much as Jed did, and now she is suffering for it. Appendix The whole letterThis letter is ironic due to the fact that his enduring love and passion for Joe has mentally imprisoned him as well as physically imprisoning him. Page 245 â€Å"I’ve never felt so free† This phrase is completely ironic as Jed believes that his love and passion for Joe has freed him however his love and passion for Joe has imprisoned him in a mental asylum. Page 245 â€Å"Thank you for loving me† The idea that this passion he feels for Joe is real and reciprocated is one of the various imprisoning thoughts in Jed’s head.